Lion Noelle again a winner in the Cake Competition at the V3 District Convention held 27-29 October, 2023
At the Lions V3 Convention a Lions Christmas Cake decoration competition takes place each year where Clubs decorate a Lions Christmas Cake. For a second year in a row, Lion Noelle Bonnin and her daughter Emily took out one of the major prizes for their cake. There were six entries and once judging has taken place, the cakes are auctioned at the dinner dance on the Saturday night with all proceeds going to the Licola Village, a childrens project in Lionism. The auction of the six decorated cakes made $1,600.00 on the night.
The cake depicts a kitchen with a shiny tiled black and while floor. The stove represents the Lions International Convention coming to Melbourne in June, 2024 whilst the word “BAM” which as everyone knows is a cleaning aid for kitchen and especially oven but it is also the acronym for the District new incentive to regain members the BAM initiative, Big Audacious Mission wants each Lions Club to increase its membership by one new member per year for 7 years to reach the District target. So the pun was to reclaim one ‘s club shine with BAM and the 7 jelly babies representing 1×7 with 7 new members. By way of explanation BAM, the Big Audacious Mission is Lions Australia’s plan to grow to 30,000 members by the year 2030 and 50,000 members by 2050, so we can meet the growing needs of our communities and service a million people annually.